
A scraper for the website i12inch written in PHP.

Primary LanguagePHP


This is a script meant for downloading songs from i12inch - a record pool for professional DJs ( http://www.i12inch.com ).

To use it, you must have a valid account with i12inch.

I wrote this script as a means to download from their site without using their terrible interface to do so. I am now opening it to the public.


PHP 5.6 or higher with the cURL library enabled ( http://php.net/manual/en/book.curl.php ).

This script is fairly Operating System agnostic, and should run on Linux, macOS / OS X, and Windows. However, it has only been tested under CentOS 7.

How to use:

This script must be triggered from a command line interface. I have, up to point, used BASH to do so. It can be executed by calling the script through the php binary, i.e.:

	php download.php
This script requires several command line arguments to be passed to it in order to run. They include a valid username to login with, a valid password,
the directory to save retrieved files to, and the start and end song ids to retrieve. The following is a list of valid arguments.




	Starting Song ID:


	Ending Song ID:


	Download Directory:


As an example, this script can be successfully executed by performing:

	php download.php --username="foo@b.ar" --password="foobar" --startid="1" --endid="1000" --directory="/home/user/downloads/"

Song IDs must be retrieved from i12inch's song selection interface. They are fairly easy to find.


*	This script has logging functionality, and will effectively write it's entire stdout to a log. This can be disabled by modifying config.inc.php accordingly, and setting $enableLogging to FALSE.
*	Likewise, the majority of the stdout output of this script can be disabled by setting $enableOutput to FALSE.
*	In order to identify as a browser, this script sends a user agent in it's cURL call. By default, this is set to Firefox 50. This can be changed by providing a valid user agent in $user_agent.
*	This script stores a cookie in ../cookie_jar each time it runs. It is not cleared upon completion.

*	While the provided configuration has never been problematic, if any problems are experienced regarding connection timeouts, review the timeouts in config.inc.php.


As always, this is provided with no warranty, nor gaurantee of it's functionality.