
Rails view with webpack=vue optimizer

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


Gem Version CircleCI

Rails view with webpack=vue optimizer


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'rails_vue_melt'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install rails_vue_melt


$ rails new APP_PATH --webpack=vue
$ rails generate vue_melt


create app/javascript/packs/vue_melt

  • application.js
  • options/
    • users.js
  • components/
    • Hello.vue
  • store/
    • index.js
    • getters.js
    • actions.js
    • mutations.js
    • mutation-types.js

insert app/views/layouts/application.html.erb

    <%= javascript_pack_tag 'vue_melt/application' %>
    <meta name="turbolinks-cache-control" content="no-cache">

insert config/webpack/environment.js

environment.loaders.get('vue').options.extractCSS = false

install packages


<!-- app/views/**/*.html.erb -->

<div data-vue="users">
  <input value="Example" v-model="user.name">
  <p>User Name: {{ user.name }}</p>


Add data-vue attribute, the value is file name in app/javascript/packs/vue_melt/options. Vue instance is mounted at turbolinks:load event and unmounted at turbolinks:visit event.

Before Vue rendering, value, checked or selected attributes of elements with v-model is automatically assigned to Vue model. Therefore, form_with and so on using Active Model can use data binding easily.


JSON of data-vue-model is assigned to Vue model. Also, v-model with prefix _ is not assigned for v-for scope.

<!-- app/views/**/*.html.erb -->

<div data-vue="users">
  <%= content_tag :div, 'data-vue-model': "{ \"items\": #{user.items.to_json} }" do %>
    <div v-for="(_item, i) in items">
      <input type="text" :name="'user[items_attributes][' + i + '][name]'" v-model="_item.name">
      <input type="hidden" :name="'user[items_attributes][' + i + '][id]'" :value="_item.id" v-if="_item.id">
  <% end %>

With Add and Remove function:

<!-- app/views/**/*.html.erb -->

<div data-vue="users">
  <%= content_tag :div, 'data-vue-model': "{ \"items\": #{user.items.to_json}, \"items_destroy_ids\": [] }" do %>
    <div v-for="(_item, i) in items">
      <input type="text" :name="'user[items_attributes][' + i + '][name]'" v-model="_item.name">
      <input type="hidden" :name="'user[items_attributes][' + i + '][id]'" :value="_item.id" v-if="_item.id">
      <button type="button" @click="_item.hasOwnProperty('id') ? items_destroy_ids.push(items.splice(i, 1)[0].id) : items.splice(i, 1)">Remove</button>

    <template v-for="(id, i) in items_destroy_ids">
      <input type="hidden" :name="'user[items_attributes][' + (items.length+i) + '][id]'" :value="id">
      <input type="hidden" :name="'user[items_attributes][' + (items.length+i) + '][_destroy]'" value="1">

    <button type="button" @click="items.push({ name: '' })">Add</button>
  <% end %>


To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to rubygems.org.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/midnightSuyama/rails_vue_melt.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.