
Shared Midokura DevOps GitHub Actions

Primary LanguagePython

gha-devops: Midokura DevOps GitHub Actions

Shared Midokura DevOps GitHub Actions.


You have an GitHub Actions Index file with all the implemented GitHub Actions in gha.md.

Each GitHub Action is definned in every folder of that repo.

Each folder contains, at least, 2 files:

  • 'action.yaml' file: Implementation of the GitHub Action
  • 'README.md" file: Automatically generated documentation for the GitHub Action
  • Other files used in the 'action.yaml' file for the implementation

So, if you have some doubt about one GitHub Action, please go to the GitHub Actions Index file and read the corresponding 'README.md' file.

Develop new GitHub Action

To develop a new GitHub Action and have propper documentation, please, don't forget to add a new README.md file in the new action folder, with the contents of the next template:

# GitHub Actions: midokura/gha-devops/<FOLDER_OF_NEW_GITHUBACTION>


<!-- action-docs-description -->

<!-- action-docs-inputs -->

<!-- action-docs-outputs -->

<!-- action-docs-runs -->

Project tasks

Use the 'Makefile' to execute the project tasks:

$ make help

To update the documentation for a new release, you need to execute the 'gen-docs' Makefile task, and you need to have the 'yq' command installed:

$ sudo snap install yq
$ make gen-docs
> Generating docs:

- GitHub Action: add-k8singser-host
- GitHub Action: add-k8sns-dockerregistry-creds
- GitHub Action: setup-kind
- GitHub Action: test
- GitHub Action: test-nested