Project Catwalk

tests codecov

Development Server

  • Copy .env.example to a new file named .env and fill in the VITE_API_TOKEN field with a GitHub token. You may also want to replace the VITE_API field with the endpoint of your own API server.
  • Run npm install to install dependencies.
  • Start your application with npm run start.
  • Visit http://localhost:3000.

Production Server


npm install
npm run build:client
npm run build:server


  • Set the following environment variables:
    • PORT: port to which the server should bind
    • VITE_API: endpoint URL for the API server, e.g.
    • VITE_API_TOKEN: GitHub token
    • PRODUCT_CACHE_SECONDS: number of seconds before a product's information expires from the server-side cache
    • PRODUCT_CACHE_SIZE: maximum number of products to store in the cache
  • Start your application with npm run serve.