
A open.mp/sa-mp base script. With MySQL and Bcrypt, use this to start your new gamemode!

Primary LanguagePawn

open.mp base script

Hello, this is a script I have created in my spare time. It is designed to help new PAWN scripters to get started quickly. It's like a friendly guidebook that covers the basic of starting a very basic and simple script using MySQL for our database and Bcrypt for password hashing. This script can be used as a base for your new gamemode!

I'm going to try my best to keep this script newbie-friendly and will comment things extensively to help everyone understand. But you must have at least a basic understanding of how Pawn works.

MySQL Configuration

We are using mysql_connect_file to connect to our MySQL server and database, using a INI-like file where all connection credentials and options are specified.

Create a mysql.ini file in the server root folder.
NOTE: You CANNOT specify any directories in the file name, the connection file HAS to and MUST be in the open.mp server root folder.

see mysql_connect_file for available fields you can use.

An example of mysql.ini file:

hostname = localhost
username = root
password = 123455
database = mns_database


Plugin Download
MySQL https://github.com/pBlueG/SA-MP-MySQL/releases/tag/R41-4
Bcrypt https://github.com/Sreyas-Sreelal/samp-bcrypt/releases/tag/0.4.0


Import the database structure file


Mido - Creation
edgyaf - Bug finding