Play Just Friends in synth mode with MIDI (6-voice polyphony)
- norns
- crow
- just friends connected to crow via i2c
- a MIDI controller
- grid (optional)
Just Friends
- switch to sound/transient or sound/sustain
- synth mode can be disabled in the params menu
- output 1 is a 10V trigger pulse (5ms) on each note
- output 2 is v/oct CV of the most recent note (0-10V or +/-5V)
- output 3 is the velocity of the most recent note (0-10V or +/-5V)
- output 4 is a MIDI CC value (0-10V or +/-5V, defaults to CC1)
voltage range, midi CC and pitch bend range are configurable in the params menu
- Advanced crow output configuration
- UI improvements
- Do something with the crow inputs?
- Crow trigger output cycles on latest RC firmware