TodoMVC with EdgeDB and Next.js

The stack

This project implements the standard TodoMVC project with Next.js and EdgeDB.

Getting started

If you aren't famililar with EdgeDB, check out the Quickstart first. It will walk you through how to install EdgeDB, set up an instance, and write some simple queries.

Initialize the project

$ edgedb project init

This does a few things:

  1. It installs EdgeDB if it isn't already installed on your computer.
  2. It prompts you to create or select a local EdgeDB instance to be used for this project.
  3. It automatically applies all migrations inside dbschema/migrations.

The database is now fully configured and ready for use!

Start the server

Start the server.

$ yarn dev

Then go to localhost:3000, and creating some todos, and start looking through the code to learn how to build applications with EdgeDB!