Basic userbot, Madelineproto based. Available many commands
Warning: Not stable working with PHP 7.3
First, git clone;
git clone
Second, start!
cd userbotPHP
php start.php
plugin.php -> Dont edit this file! Only for Userbotphp
bot.php -> Your bot codes.
Send Message : sm($chatID, "Sent message by userbotPHP");
Edit Message : em($chatID, " Edited message by userbotPHP", $msgid);
Delete Message : dm($msgid);
$chatID -> Chat ID
$userID -> User ID
$msg -> Message
$msgid -> Message ID
.alive => Check bot
.spam => Make flood. [Example : .spam 5 madelineproto]
.purge => Delete message.
.purge samples:
- .purge => replied message to your message delete
- .purge all => delete a user messages [reply a message]
- .purge me => Delete all your messages in group/channel/private chat
.info => Get user info.
.text [text] => Type text(like terminal/cmd command-line)
.tts => Send a voice. (text-to-speech)
.mock => MoCk PlUgiN
.zalgo => Convert a text to zalgo
.ebio => Edit bio
.ename => Edit Last Name
.pphoto => Upload new profile photo[reply a photo]
.trt => Translate a Text.
.trt samples:
- reply a message: .trt -tr [Auto Lang to Turkish]
- .trt -en -tr hello [English to Turkish]
- .trt -tr ciao [Auto Language To Turkish]
Telegram: Quiec
Telegram Channel: userbotPHP
MadelineProto: Madelineproto Docs
TGUserbotLite(forked): TGUserbotLite