iCEBreaker FPGA Workshop
Welcome to the iCEBreaker FPGA workshop repository.
This workshop is self directed and can be done on your own time.
iCEBreaker workshop sessions
- Crowd Supply Teardown conference in Portland Oregon 21st-23rd June 2019.
- Chaos Communication Congress 36C3 in Leipzig Germany 27th-30th December 2019.
Supplies needed
- Computer
- Micro USB cable (make sure it is a data cable not just a charge cable)
- iCEBreaker
- iCEBreaker 7Segment display
- You might need one or two displays depending on the workshop you choose.
Note: In most cases we provide the iCEBreaker hardware for the duration of the workshop. You will have to return it after the workshop is over. Make sure to read the specific workshop instructions. We usually also have extra hardware you can purchase so you can keep hacking on it and take home. Also refer to the workshop instructions of how to get the hardware or ping @esden on twitter.
Toolchain installation
Follow the instructions on the fomu-toolchain README to install the FPGA toolchain on your computer.
I am ready let's GO!
Now that you have all the supplies and the toolchain installed go ahead and clone this repository:
git clone
cd icebreaker-workshop/stopwatch
In the stopwatch directory you will find the workshop guide PDF. Follow the instructions inside the PDF. If you happen to do the workshop as part of an organized class the helpers are here to help you out when you have questions or you get stuck somewhere. Do not hesitate to ask for help, this is why we are here.
If you are doing the workshop on your own time and you want to share your experiances or want to ask a question, join our Discord server!