
q: fallback flag not respected in case of overflowing header size

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I'm running a DNS server and am trying to query it with q. (The server is ncdns if that helps reproducing the issue.) The following works:

$ ./q -tcp -port 5391 @ TLSA _443._tcp.prism-break.bit
;; opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 59147
;; flags: qr aa rd; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 1, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 0

;_443._tcp.prism-break.bit.	IN	 TLSA

_443._tcp.prism-break.bit.	600	IN	TLSA	3 0 0 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

;; query time: 529 µs, server:, size: 547 bytes

However, the following does not work:

$ ./q -fallback -port 5391 @ TLSA _443._tcp.prism-break.bit
;; dns: overflowing header size

I would expect the -fallback flag to automatically retry with TCP in this situation, but it seems that it doesn't. I'm not certain if this is a bug in the server or in q. Any idea what's wrong?

(Note that I'm using the latest version of exdns and all of its dependencies except for dns, which is still at v1.0.15 due to #17 .)

miekg commented