Shiny demo app: College Scorecard

This app is an example of Shiny's HTML templates feature. It uses R and Shiny to present interesting information from the College Scorecard Data and is styled based on the U.S. Web Design Standards.

Live app here:


To run this app yourself, you'll need the following CRAN packages:

install.packages(c("shiny", "dplyr", "RSQLite", "leaflet", "ggplot2",
  "showtext", "Cairo", "RCurl", "stringr", "scales"))

You'll also need to download this CollegeScorecard.sqlite database and put it in the scorecard-app directory.


All content under www/assets is licensed according to this page.

All R code and www/index.html are CC0 (public domain). However, I do request that you not reuse the Flickr API key or MapBox (Leaflet) tile URL that are included in the code.