selenium + python

Course at TAU by Andrew Knight:

Documentation in my versions:

  1. Install python (python 3)
  2. Install pipenv (pipenv -- version)
    1. pip3 install pipenv
  3. Then, clone/create project on git.
    1. Download Chrome Driver
      • Open it
      • Move to bin : mv current/chromedriver /usr/local/bin to bin.
    2. Download Firefox Driver (geckodriver)
      • Open it
      • Move to bin : mv current/geckodriver /usr/local/bin to bin.
  4. Open project in VS Code.
  5. Install selenium using pipenv (creates and manages a virtualenv for the projects).
    1. pipenv install selenium
    2. pipenv install pytest
  6. Create file for config fixture.
    1. Create web driver instance etc.
    2. Then always QUIT the instance.
  7. Add fixture to test cases.
  8. Create test file under tests.
    1. tests/
  9. Start plan/draft test steps
  10. Try to run test
    1. pipenv run python -m pytest
    2. If able to open chrome. Mean that the driver set up correctly.
  11. Note:
    1. Please manual install pylint pip3 install pylint at your terminal.
    2. DO NOT let VScode install for you.
    3. It locator directory might go wrong. Causing lint can’t import.
  12. Use pytest-xdist to run test in pararell pipenv install pytest-xdist
  13. To run it in parallel after install pytest-xdist.
    1. Run pipenv run python -m pytest -n ${number of thread that you want it to run}