
Project Interstellar is a 2d space-adventure game

developed in and with : Python, Pygame, Git/Github and Ninja-IDE. Currently pre-alpha status.

Version 0.3.3

How to Run the Game

This is just a developement version so you need the programming language Python version 2.x .

And the physics and graphics engine Pygame.

Both have a good guide how to install them otherwise google is your friend.

In normal case double clicking Run.py should start it. If this does not work google for "How to start a .py file".

Debian based systems:
Double click on Run.sh. If this does not work make sure it has its executable bit set. Do this by opening a terminal in this folder or navigating there with a "normal" terminal and then copy-paste this command: chmod u+x ./Run.sh

Google for: "how to run python files in" and add you OS

How to play

Use WASD for movement (arrowkeys work too)

F or space will shoot a bullet

When on full power use C to shoot in eight directions

Pressing Y makes you faster while X slower

Use escape to pause the game

Can you get below my 295294ms?


  • f12 for screenshot
  • f6 to change music
  • esc to exit
  • many hidden features

Custom music

Simply paste your music into the ./assets/music folder to be included in the game. "_" will be replaced with spaces " ". For best support use .ogg but .mp3 will work too.

File / Code information

(Codelines ver:0.3.3)

File Code Non-code Total
Run.py 39 14 53
libs/menu/creator.py 351 84 435
libs/menu/disp_elem.py 324 88 412
libs/menu/IO.py 30 6 36
libs/tygamusic/tygamusic.py 218 80 298
src/chat.py 4 5 9
src/draw.py 160 42 202
src/interface.py 108 17 125
src/main.py 46 30 76
src/menu.py 317 116 487
src/midi_in.py 71 19 90
src/missions.py 55 19 74
src/movement.py 14 9 23
src/namings.py 74 24 98
src/objects.py 214 51 265
src/player.py 153 45 198
src/settings.py 317 17 394
src/sounds.py 7 5 12
src/specials.py 67 14 81
src/worlds.py 101 32 133
Total 2723 730 3462

Top3 code only:

  • libs/menu/creator.py 351
  • libs/menu/disp_elem.py 324
  • src/menu.py & src/settings.py 317

Top3 Commented or empty lines:

  • menu.py 116
  • libs/menu/disp_elem.py 88
  • libs/menu/creator.py 84

Top3 Total:

  • src/menu.py 487
  • libs/menu/creator.py 435
  • libs/menu/disp_elem.py 412

Contact Information

You can contact me on the homepage or via email: max12354678910@gmail.com (subject: Project_interstellar)


(Licences of used music and art and libs in LICENSES.txt)