
Testiranje preformansi slanja obicnog requesta i async funkcija i requesta

Primary LanguagePython


Testiranje preformansi slanja obicnog requesta i async funkcija i requesta

api za berze: za 14 sekundi je normalno za get metodu bez async


Method: GET Path: / Duration: 14.112628112999971 Status: 200
10129 function calls (9949 primitive calls) in 14.112 seconds


  1. prvi test koristi async with iz pypi doc

    Method: GET Path: /async Duration: 26.165393703000063 Status: 200
    137961 function calls (137635 primitive calls) in 26.164 seconds

  2. drugi test bez async with - daje bolje preformanse jer se stalno otvara i zatvara sessia sa with blokom

    Method: GET Path: /async Duration: 16.120499150000114 Status: 200
    132422 function calls (132041 primitive calls) in 16.122 seconds

  3. treci test znatno bolji u preformansama jer smo dodali: asyncio.create_task - kreira loop i daje prijoritet tasku (uradi ovaj zadatak sto je brze moguce i vrati rezultat)

    Method: GET Path: /async Duration: 1.830500751999807 Status: 200
    107699 function calls (107373 primitive calls) in 1.830 seconds