Drugs Discovery Multi-Clustering System

Primary LanguageRGNU Lesser General Public License v3.0LGPL-3.0

D2-MCS toolkit: Drugs Discover Multi-Clustering System

R framework to automatically predict the biological activity of chemical compounds regarding to theirs chemical substructures

Operation mode

D2-MCS Operation mode

Required libraries

On linux (Ubuntu)

  • r-base
  • r-base-core

On Windows

Download from CRAN Project: https://cran.r-project.org/bin/windows/

R required packages

R Libraries
R6 car plyr dplyr caret
mltools here parallel RWeka devtools
ModelMetrics tools graphics gridExtra grid
lattice rJava FSelector BBmisc ggalt
tictoc ggrepel ggplot2 reshape2

Execution example (get classification performance)

data <- Dataset$new( filepath ="<path_to_dataset_file>", header=TRUE, 
                     sep="\t",skip = 1, normalize.names=TRUE, classIndex = 1 )
trFunction <- TwoClass$new( method = "cv", number = 10, savePredictions = "final", 
                            classProbs = TRUE, allowParallel = TRUE, verboseIter = FALSE)
fisherC <- BinaryFisherClustering$new(dataset = data$getSubset(1,2), maxClusters = 50)
fisherC$execute(positive.class = "<value_positive_class>")
train.subset <- fisherC$createSubset( subset = data$getSubset(c(2,3)) )
test.subset <- data$getSubset(4)
Benchmarking <- D2MCS$new( path = "models/BinaryFisherCluster", trainFunction = trFunction )
Benchmarking$train( train.set = train.subset, metric = "MCC" )
classify <- Benchmarking$classify( test.set = test.subset), voting.scheme = ClassWeightedVoting$new(), 
                                   positive.class = "<value_positive_class>" )
classify$computePerformance( ob = test.subset$getClass(), list(MCC$new(), PPV$new(), Accuracy$new()) )

Output visualization example

Measure Value
1 MCC 0.7858148
2 PPV 0.8864542
3 Accuracy 0.8928571

Execution example (execute NSGAII and SMSEMOA optimization algorithms)

optimization <- Benchmarking$optimize( opt.set = test.subset, 
                                       voting.scheme = ClassWeightedVoting$new(), 
                                       opt.algorithm = list(NSGAII$new( min.function  = FPFN$new(), 
                                                                        n.generations = 25000,
                                                                        n.iteractions = 1 ),
                                                            SMSEMOA$new( min.function = FPFN$new(), 
                                                                         n.generations = 25000,
                                                                         n.iteractions = 1 ) ), 
                                       positive.class = "<value_positive_class>" )


David Ruano Ordás


To cite D2-MCS please use:

Ruano-Ordás, D; Yevseyeva, I, Basto-Fernandes,V; Méndez, José R; Emmerichc, Michael T.M. (2018). Improving the drug discovery process by using multiple classifier systems Expert Systems with Applications. Volume 121, pp. 292-303. Elsevier. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eswa.2018.12.032