
🌱 my own digital garden

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Discovering my otherness & my discomfort with the inherit nature of blogs, I was thrilled to one day discover the concept of Digital Gardens. At that time I went down a rabbit hole, jumping from one page to the next with the starting point being Maggie Appleton's 'A Brief History & Ethos of the Digital Garden'. It's basically a little corner for you to carve out for yourself on the internet, sharing your personal knowledge in whatever depth that you wish on topics that interest you – always with the possibilty to grow, cultivate & collaborate.

Digital Garden Pattern Language:

  • topography over timeline
  • continuous growth
  • imperfection & learning in public

This concept appealed to me so very much, that I couldn't forget about it in all these months. So here we are.

Be prepared for an eclectic mix of technical content around web development & a11y, personal discoveries about my neurodiversity, and random irl & digital craft & diy projects. 🌱

It's gonna be fun! 🤓

Welcome to Remix!


From your terminal:

npm run dev

This starts your app in development mode, rebuilding assets on file changes.


First, build your app for production:

npm run build

Then run the app in production mode:

npm start

Now you'll need to pick a host to deploy it to.


If you're familiar with deploying node applications, the built-in Remix app server is production-ready.

Make sure to deploy the output of remix build

  • build/
  • public/build/

Using a Template

When you ran npx create-remix@latest there were a few choices for hosting. You can run that again to create a new project, then copy over your app/ folder to the new project that's pre-configured for your target server.

cd ..
# create a new project, and pick a pre-configured host
npx create-remix@latest
cd my-new-remix-app
# remove the new project's app (not the old one!)
rm -rf app
# copy your app over
cp -R ../my-old-remix-app/app app