
Title always zooms in?

jamesh-purr opened this issue · 1 comments

  • I have tried with the newest version of editly: npm i -g editly or npm i editly@latest
  • I have tried ffmpeg newest stable version
  • I have searched for existing issues

The title always seems to zoom in no matter what. I have set zoomDirection on clips etc the title just always zooms in, it makes no sense to have title just zoom in and not be able to change it?


    width: 1920,
    height: 1080,
    outPath: "outputpath.mp4",
    fast: true,
    fps: 60,
    clips: [
        layers: [
            type: "image",
            path: "image1_path.jpg",
            zoomAmount: 0, // Set time zoomAmount to 0 to remove the "zoom in"
            type: "image",
            path: "image2_path.jpg",
            zoomAmount: 0,

I hope this can be helpful