
Feature request: add more ken burns parameters

Kalo0m opened this issue · 3 comments

Kalo0m commented
  • I have tried with the newest version of editly: npm i -g editly or npm i editly@latest
  • I have tried ffmpeg newest stable version
  • I have searched for existing issues

Hi, is it planned to add new ken burns parameters? I would like to translate a zoomed image from left to right for example. I've tried to use the img.translateToCenterPoint(Point, originX, originY) from fabric.js http://fabricjs.com/docs/fabric.Image.html#translateToCenterPoint but I don't know if it's the right function (not well documented). Do you have any suggestions?

mifi commented

Hi. No immediate plans but pr is welcome. Or you can c reate your own custom fabric plugin

Kalo0m commented

I would be glad to create a pr but do you have any clue of which function can I use from fabricjs? because translateToCenterPoint display nothing and there is no documentation on it. I don't know if it's the right method https://codesandbox.io/s/fabricjs-playground-forked-o82tsl?file=/src/index.ts:1070-1147

mifi commented

Sorry i dont have time to work on this now