
Dashboard prototype for Wattsight interview

Primary LanguageTypeScript

How to start

  1. First run:

      yarn install
  2. To start app in dev mode

      yarn dev

    Application runs on http://localhost:3000

  3. For production build

      yarn build
  4. For production server

      yarn start
  5. Testing

      yarn test
  6. Linting

    For TypeScript linting

      yarn tslint

    For StyleLint

      yarn stylelint
  7. Static Typing check

      yarn ts:check

Test Case

1) Dashboard

Create a dashboard web application. The application should:

  • Display the sample data using different visual elements (like different chart types, tables)
  • Add/remove rows dynamically on the dashboard
  • Add/remove elements dynamically

These elements (charts and tables) can come from a pre-defined list (there is no need to have a lot of different types of these elements, just enough to place a few side by side, even if it means repeating them)

Use the data file in attachment as the data source. This data is energy hourly price (€/MWh) for Germany.

We would like to understand how you would use ReactJS to create this application:

  • How you approach the problem?
  • How you structure your code?
  • How you use components, state and props?
  • How you use component's lifecycle?

You can use https://github.com/facebook/create-react-app to get it up and running. You can use other third party libraries.

There should not be a big effort put on design, but it should be user friendly.

Bonus points for the use of tools like webpack and npm or yarn as well as including tests.

Follow up questions

Imagine the data points amount has increased to 4 MB of data. What strategies would you use to insure the app would not lose performance? Think about data download and data visualisation.

✅ Result for 1

Components composition

_app (custom wrapper for next.js)
    │ └─index (root route)
    │     └─dashboard
    │         └─row
    │            └─card
    │               ├─chart
    │               └─grid
    ├─meta (basic meta tags)
    └─header (header title and navigation placeholder)


  • Prototype build on Next.js framework (most of the fine grained setup is already built in)
  • Built with TypeScript (better code stability, less tests required)
  • For better code quality, consistency and integrity linters and formaters are incorporated used (tslint, stylelint, prettier)
  • For generating examplary chart chart.js library is used
  • For the rest of functionality custom components are developed
  • All components are built as functional components
  • Component states are managed with React Hooks
  • Examplary data sample (Hourly prices) is passed to React Context API for simplicity sake
  • styled jsx (built in Next.js) with postcss preset-env used for writing CSS
  • flex-box css properties are used for layouting (could be css-grid but flex-box is backward compatible)
  • Icons are build with svg sprite


  • tests
  • Check Text content did not match. Server: "9b1d6583" Client: "c7d94dee" warning on page load
  • better hover with transition effects (buttons, add card, add row)

2) Energy Price Calculator

There are available energy market orders you can buy like the list array below. You can execute part of an order, for example: you can acquire 5 MW from a 10 MW volume order. Write a function in Javascript and necessary tests to run it that will have as input:

  • list of available orders
  • the desire volume

Function should return the lowest weighted average price to meet that desire volume.

It should work for different input volumes.

For example: How much would I have to pay to buy 8 MW given the list below? What would the output be if I wanted to buy 1000 MW?

✅ Result for 2

Find the code for calculating lowest weighted average price for MW. Run the result function with:

  yarn calculate

Runt tests for the function with:

  yarn test src/lib/energy-calculator