
Unit testing macros for C

Primary LanguageC


Unitsy is a set of macros for unit testing in C.

Just copy the unitsy.h file in your project and include it in your test file. Then initialize with unitsy_init.

#include "unitsy.h"


Each test function takes no argument and returns an int. 0 means it passed and 1 means it failed. You would use unitsy_assert to register your assertions and return 0 at the end to make sure it returns this when no assertion has failed.

int test_one_plus_one_makes_two() {
  int cumul = 1 + 1;
  unitsy_assert(cumul==2, "1+1 does not make 2");
  return 0;

In order to run tests, you have to use unitsy_run in your main function for each test. This will print a message for each failed test prepended with the file name, the line number and the function name. Then you can use the values collected in the unitsy object to build your final report.

int main(int argc, const char *argv[]) {
  /* more tests */
  printf("%d/%d\n", unitsy->passed_tests, unitsy->total_tests);
  return unitsy->result;

Check the file example.c if you want to see a full example.

$ make example
$ ./example