Events for Android and Java
This library works in every Java project but has effective tools to support Android projects too.
How to use it with Android:
You can use different event ids:
- Android resource id;
- constant strings.
If you are using android resource ids then set this code in Application class.
Next step is to register any classes that want to listen for any events. There are 4 event types:
- AsyncMethod
- UiMethod
- Callback
- Receiver
Event (except) Receiver has this states:
- Start - when event was posted.
- Result - event result. can be passed multiple times (see Event.postResult method).
- Error - state when exception was thrown in any Async or Ui methods.
- Finish - terminated state. after this no other events can be passed except start.
You can annotate any method with this event type. But methods should have required signature.
This method should have this signature
private AnyClass runTask1(final Event event) throws Exception
Can be only ONE in all application for one event id (or key). This method will be executed in background thread when somebody starts this event. If you return result from this method this result will be passed to Callback method for this event id. If you return null no result will be passed to Callback.
private AnyClass runTask1(final Event event) throws Exception
Same as AsyncMethod, but will be executed in UI thread. Can be only ONE in all application for one event id (or key)
private void runTask1(final EventCallback callback)
Called on UI thread any time when Event state changes. Support: start, result, error, finish. Can be any count of the callbacks in application, but only one in class for one event id (or key).
private void runTask1(final EventCallback callback)
Called on UI thread. This is a broadcast element of the event. There can be any count of the receivers with the same key.
Event creation
For event creation you should user Event.create method (or simple Main features:
- data - data that will be passed to Event during its execution
- single - indicates that only one event with the same id and data should be processed at time. event will be skipped only if it is in progress now and has the same target. usefull for activity/fragment recreation (see Activity and Fragment recreation problem)
- post - target of the event to post result to. this means that there is no specific target and any Callback will be called.
- postTo - target of the event to post result to. this means that only this instance Callbacks will be called.
Event state manipulation
- sendResult - in any time of AsyncMethod or UiMethod you can call this method to send result.
- postpone - if you call this, then event will not be finished after method execution finishes. only call to finish() will do this
- finish - terminate event
- cancel - now works with problems...
Annotation parameters
General annotation parameters:
- value - constant int value, generally it is android id identifier. notice that in library projects android id identifier can't be used because it is not constant value instead of them you can use "static final int" value or "key" annotation parameter. value can not be 0.
- key - constant string value. value can not be null or empty string.
Special annotation parameters:
- singleThreadExecutor - parameter of AsyncMethod. if true then SingleThreadExecutor instance will be used for processing this event. Be aware that there is only one instance of executor for all events.
Activity and Fragment recreation problem:
To handle all activity and fragment recreations and good work of postTo you should use EventsActivity and EventsFragment classes. Call all there lifecycle methods and be sure that:
- Event that was posted before activity/fragment recreation with postTo (or post) will be routed to the new recreated activity/fragment (and not old one).
- No leaks will be occurred because of good register/unregister calls.
- No event will be triggered after onSaveInstanceState method call (after this call it is not save to perform any operation).
- No event will be triggered after fragment detach (its view destroy).
General usage for getting some data from server:
- Check if there is cached data in saved instance state. if there is one, then show it
- If not, start event with single key. So you can be sure that even after activity/fragment recreation there will be only one request to server for data.
- Handle event result and store its result in saved instance state.
Call all bellow methods:
- onCreate
- onResume
- onSaveInstanceState
- onDestroyView - fragment only
- onDestroy
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