
A Probot app that sends an email notification when a new repository is created or archived

Primary LanguageJavaScriptISC LicenseISC

Probot Example: Email Notifications

This repository contains a sample GitHub App built with probot that gives a team read access to a new repository when it is created.


Please note that this app is meant to demonstrate the functional capabilities of a Probot app and is not production-ready. It is strongly recommended that a user takes the following steps prior to use:

  • Duplicate this repository into a repository in your own user account or organization
  • In your new repository, open a pull request between the email-notifications and master branches and review the changes introduced. This represents all of the code used to implement this app.
    • Note that this app does not have any testing implemented. It is strongly recommended that you implement testing prior to production deployment. For guidance on implementing testing in a Probot app, see this documentation.
  • Configure a GitHub App on GitHub
  • Read the in-line documentation explaining the functionality of the app
  • Customize the implementation to fit your needs


Under the current implementation, there are several configurable attributes. Defaults for these attributes can be set in the defaults.js file, but it is recommended that each org in which this is implemented creates an override file with a file called .github/open-issue-on-repo-creation.yml file in the Repository, org-settings. This Repository will contain global settings for the Organization. You can name the settings repository anything you'd like; just add the repository name to your defaults.js file.

# Configuration for Create Issue Upon Repo Creation

# Enables an email notification when a repository is archived
enableArchiveNotification: true

# Enables an email notification when a repository is created
enableCreateNotification: true

# Email subject when a repository is archived
archiveEmailSubject: 'GitHub Repository Archived'

# Email body when a repository is archived
archiveEmailBody: 'The following repository has been archived in GitHub: '

# Email subject when a repository is created
createEmailSubject: 'GitHub Repository Created'

# Email body when a repository is created
createEmailBody: 'A new repository has been created in GitHub at the following location: '

# Email list for the intended recipients of each notification type, delimited by semicolons
archiveRecipientList: 'email_address_1;email_address_2'
createRecipientList: 'email_address_1;email_address_2'

# Transport configuration object as defined by nodemailer (https://nodemailer.com/smtp/)
# This example configures the email for use with gmail (see https://medium.com/@manojsinghnegi/sending-an-email-using-nodemailer-gmail-7cfa0712a799)
  service: 'gmail'
    user: process.env.GMAIL_ADDRESS
    pass: process.env.GMAIL_PASSWORD


Probot is a standard NodeJS app, and thus can be deployed as such. Documentation is available on the Probot website, which provides directions for deployment using Glitch, Heroku, and Now.

If you have multiple Probot apps that you would like to deploy together, see Combining apps.