
Intro to Data Science with Python and R in Jupyter Notebook

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Intro to Data Science with Python and R in Jupyter Notebook


Course Description:

This course introduces importing, tidying, exploring, visualizing, summarizing, and modeling data and then communicating the results of these analyses to answer relevant questions and make decisions. Students will learn how to program in R and Python using reproducible workflows. During weekly lab assignments students will collaborate with their teammates to pose and answer questions using real-world datasets.

Overall Learning Objective:

To develop technical and professional skills necessary to analyze data as a member of a team. This includes:

  • Understanding fundamental statistical concepts Visualizing and exploring data
  • Importing and tidying datasets
  • Programming effectively in R & Python
  • Building basic statistical models
  • Collaborating with teammates to discover and communicate interesting findings and recommendations based on data.
  • Mastering reproducible statistical workflows.

In other words, to learn R & Python to do interesting and useful things with data.