
JSON properties read like plain old scala objects. (via Dynamic method invocation)

Primary LanguageScala

LiquidJson is a convenient way to use JSON objects from scala using a natural syntax. It's built on spray-json and dynamic dispatch.

  • Scala member syntax can be used to access property values, and they are implicitly converted to the correct type.

      val n:Int = json.number
      val b:Boolean = json.nested.child
      val four:Int = json.array(1)
  • For comprehensions are also available:

      for {n:Int <- json.number} yield {n}
  • Create a Json object by using the json method against a json encoded String

      import liquidj.json.Implicits._
      val json = """
        { "number": 9,
             { "child": true },
          "array": [5,4,3]