
Gerbil package directory for official Mighty Gerbil packages

Primary LanguageScheme

The Mighty Gerbils Package Directory

This is the directory of packages maintained by the Gerbil Core Team in the mighty-gerbils organization.

This directory is searched by default by gxpkg when looking for packages.

See the package list for the raw list of packages in this directory.

Packages in this Directory

Package Description
github.com/mighty-gerbils/gerbil-crypto Cryptography beyond OpenSSL
github.com/mighty-gerbils/gerbil-ethereum Ethereum support
github.com/mighty-gerbils/gerbil-persist Data persistence layer
github.com/mighty-gerbils/gerbil-leveldb LevelDB bindings
github.com/mighty-gerbils/gerbil-libxml libxml2 bindings
github.com/mighty-gerbils/gerbil-libyaml libyaml bindings
github.com/mighty-gerbils/gerbil-lmdb LMDB bindings
github.com/mighty-gerbils/gerbil-mysql MySQL database driver
github.com/mighty-gerbils/gerbil-poo Prototype Object Orientation system
github.com/mighty-gerbils/gerbil-utils Various utilities