
What is Tap Search?

TapSearch is a simple program that achieves the following objectives:

1. It takes in multiple paragraphs of text, assigns a unique ID To each paragraph and
   stores the words to paragraph mappings on an inverted index. This is similar to what
   elasticsearch does.
2. Given a word to search for, it lists out the top 10 paragraphs in which the word is present


1. Select PDF file or enter paragraphs in the given space.
   Separate each paragraph using two new lines.
2. Enter word to search for in paragraphs.
3. See the top 10 results!

Grand Vision

If I had a tech arsenal at my disposal, I would scale this application to become the world's largest documents directory with the fastest and most accurate search.


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.