
Primary LanguagePython


Setup for Windows

  1. Make sure you have installed Python 3.6 or newer, make sure you have the right one (32/64 bits). Source. During installation please pay attention to the following details :
  • Tick/Select Add Python 3.6 to PATH
  • Select Customize Installation (this is important)
  • Tick/Select pip (others, leave as default), this is important
  • Tick install for all users
  • Tick add Python to environment variables
  • Tick create shortcuts for installed applications
  • Precomplie standard libary
  • Select install location and hit install
  1. Run pip install virtualenv using windows command line

  2. You would have to install PostgreSQL. Download from official location or alternative location, you could lookup some PostgreSQL tutorials online if you are completely blank on this.

  3. Fork and clone the repo, and cd into the bucket directory. Use git CMD or git Bash(unix-like terminal) to do so.

  4. Create a virtual environment with Python 3 and install dependencies, using CMD :

    $ virtualenv venv
    $ ./venv/Scripts/activate
    $ pip install -r requirements.txt 
  5. Create bucketdb database, where bucketdb might be any suitable name.

  • Open the SQL Shell for postgresql from the windows start menu or wherever accessible

    $ Server [localhost]:  Just press enter, leave this empty
    $ Database [postgres]: Just press enter, leave this empty
    $ Port [5432]: This is the default port just press enter, leave this empty
    $ Username [postgres]: This is the default username just press enter, leave this empty
    $ Password for user postgres: Input password you created during installation and press enter
    $ CREATE USER <anyname you want e.g bucket> WITH PASSWORD 'your password';
    $ CREATE DATABASE bucketdb;
    $ \c bucketdb;
    $ GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON bucketdb TO <username created above>;
  1. Fill in the database details in bucket/bucket/settings/dev.py.
  2. Run git update-index --assume-unchanged bucket/manage.py bucket/bucket/wsgi.py. In manage.py and wsgi.py change 'bucket.settings.production' to 'bucket.settings.dev'.
  3. Run set SECRET_KEY=foobarbaz in your terminal, ideally the secret key should be 40 characters long, unique and unpredictable.
  4. You will need a TMDB API key, which you can register and get from here. Run set TMDB_API_KEY=apikey in your terminal.
  5. Add both the keys to your virtualenv's activate file.
  6. Run python bucket/manage.py migrate.
  7. Run python bucket/manage.py createsuperuser to create a superuser for the admin panel. Fill in the details asked.
  8. Run python bucket/manage.py runserver to start the development server. When in testing or production, feed the respective settings file from the command line, e.g. for testing python bucket/manage.py runserver --settings=bucket.settings.testing.
  9. Run python bucket/manage.py test --settings=bucket.settings.testing to run all the tests.