
The goal of this project is to expedite the delivery of quality code for the Arduino product family by leveraging the arduino-cli through the CLion interface.

Primary LanguageJavaGNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0


The goal of this project is to expedite the delivery of quality code for the Arduino product family.

A lot of creative time is lost when spent configuring environments, researching hardware, downloading libraries and reviewing documentation. As a programmer, I find a lot of value in quality code libraries - I'm referring to both commercial and community-managed libraries. For example, when I can simply add a reference to a third-party library, #include it in my code, start typing and - BOOM - I can see the classes and methods available.

Equally important to me is the workflow among teams I work with. I've noticed improvements in quality and turnaround time when task switching is kept to a minimum. If we can stay in one IDE, we are more productive. I appreciate having the option to view documentation in a small pop-up or simply CMD + Click into a method and review the comments directly.

I noticed the Arduino team is refactoring their code in some major ways. If you haven't seen it, take a look over at The arduino-cli Repo. It will be more easily leveraged from the code since they are providing the option to output as a JSON-formatted response. making the arduino-cli easily accessed from the CLion GUI.

At the same time, I'm not an expert at C/C++ or CMake and I don't have the time it takes to master either one. Like most projects, I learn what I need to as the need arises. I want to incorporate modifications to the CMake files into this plugin as well. At a high-level, when I think of the most useful features for a developer just starting out with Arduino and CLion, they are....

  1. Board browser in build configurations
  2. Code Completion
  3. Select programmer and port (if applicable)
  4. Managed 3rd party libraries (i.e. Download/import)
  5. Debugging
  6. Automated updates to CMake files
  7. Advanced configuration of arduino-cli commands
  8. Install/Update arduino-cli from CLion

...ya, basically, all the functionality available in the Arduino IDE.

Ultimately - with the right code completion/highlighting, file and project templates - I'm optimistic that this plugin could work in any JetBrains IDE. I'm not entirely convinced there will be anything amazing that CLion provides -- not like we need to use it's compiler or anything like that, it's all bundled with teh arduino-cli.


Name URL Status Description
Clion Link Production A cross-platform IDE for C and C++
Arduino CLI Link Alpha arduino-cli is an all-in-one solution that provides builder, boards/library manager, uploader, discovery and many other tools needed to use any Arduino compatible board and platforms.
IntelliJ Link Production
JetBrains Plugin SDK Link Production Okay, it's not really software to download. This is a guide that ensures your environment is configured correctly.

Progress ...so far

As it turns out, I've discovered that creating a plugin for the JetBrains IDE is incredibly difficult (...for me, anyway). The information available in the API is scant at best 1

Big Props

One of the best references I used was the code for MongoDB Integration in IntelliJ (aka - mongo4idea) It was helpful to see how something was properly set up, like which keys had to align for settings to be persisted.

This repository is a good example of what not to do. I have not added good documentation to my classes/methods. Mostly, this is because I didn't know how the API worked and what made the most sense. For example, how best to persist certain preferences and build configurations.

1. This is a quote from American Movie, but I couldn't find a clip with the exact quote. ...sooo, go watch the movie!