
Generic Internet Game Server

Primary LanguageJava

GIGS stands for Generic Internet Game Server


1. Build the server
   If you have ant, you can just run "ant compile" from the project root directory.
2. Run the server
   "java -cp bin:lib/log4j-1.2.15.jar net.mightybyte.gigs.GigsServer [port]"
   (If you don't specify a port, it defaults to 8000.)

Once the server is running, you can test it out by connecting two clients and playing a game.
Connect to the server with "telnet localhost 8000" and log in with a user name of your choice.

Once you have at least two users connected to the server you can start a game.  Let's say the
two usernames are alice and bob.  Alice can start a game of tron with the match command:

match bob 2 12 tron

Bob will then see a match request.  The game will not start until Bob types "accept".  Both
players can then enter moves to play the game.  Moves for each game vary.  Moves for tron are
a single character, one of "nsew" representing a move to the north, south, east, or west

For information about other commands supported by the server look at the files commands.txt
and commands.props.  Then read the source code. :)