
This is admin panel part of Multi-Vendor E-Commerce Web App Development project. Other parts:

frontend: https://github.com/mightyeagle329/eCommerce-frontend
api: https://github.com/mightyeagle329/eCommerce-api


Multi-Vendor E-Commerce Web App Development (Admin Panel)

Scope of the Project

To design and develop an ecommerce multi-vendor with full functionality API and visually appealing and fully responsive design.


A multi-vendor ecommerce web app allows sellers and customers to register with the same e-commerce website and buy or sell products, which sellers may show in separate categories. This is going to be a fully flexible, responsive, working web app that is going to meet several requirements for both seller, customer and admin. Full control over everything will be given to admins of this web app with an external admin panel.

Tech Stack

Client: React, MUI for UI library, Redux Toolkit, Axios.

Server: NodeJS as backend runtime environment, MongoDB as database, Express as server, firebase as cloud image hosting, JsonWebToken, JOI for validation, CryptoJS.


  • Two frontends. Admin Panel: Where admin can login and maintain the entire app with full control over both users and sellers.

Client Panel: Where customers can explore products per category or shop and if they want to purchase they can login or register. Also sellers can register as sellers and sell their products online.

  • Customers: Can login to their existing profile.

Register for a new account to enjoy user facilities.

Or Register as a seller to sell products and maintain a shop online.

Can search products, browse shops, products based on category.

  • Logged in users: Will get access to personal profile,

Enjoy cart facilities,

Add products to wish list,

Checkout page,

Place order and check order history,

Review products after purchasing,

Ask questions to seller about products,

Can follow shops to see their products on the homepage.

  • Upon approval logged in sellers: Can maintain his shop,

Add, Update or Remove products,

Sell products,

Answer customers question on particular product,

And Check, approve or decline orders.

Check all reviews

  • Admin: Has full control over all information of users, sellers, orders,

Approve or decline reviews,

Approve users as sellers,

Add or remove categories,

Approve or remove products.




Admin Panel


Admin Panel Homepage


Admin Panel Products


Admin Panel Users Page


Admin Panel Orders Page


Admin Panel Categories Page


Admin Panel Reviews Page


Admin Panel Demo