
almightyjava microservices zuul

Primary LanguageJava


almightyjava microservices zuul

Almighty Java

URL - http://localhost:8080/mightyjava
UserName - mightyjava
Password - password

Book Rest API

URL - http://localhost:8081/rest/books
Zuul URL - http://localhost:8080/mightyjava/rest/books

Zuul API Gateway

Here are the steps need to follow to enable Zuul API Gateway

1 - pom.xml - zuul dependency


2 - application.properties


3 - Application.java

1. Add @EnableZuulProxy annotation at class level
2. Create @Bean 

public ZuulFilter postFilter() {
	return new ZuulFilter() {

		public boolean shouldFilter() {
			return true;

		public Object run() throws ZuulException {
			System.out.println("Pre Filter - run");
			HttpServletRequest request = RequestContext.getCurrentContext().getRequest();
			System.out.println("Request Method : "+request.getMethod());
			System.out.println("Request URL : "+request.getRequestURL().toString());
			return null;

		public String filterType() {
			return "pre";

		public int filterOrder() {
			return 1;