
Ansible role to install Terraform

MIT LicenseMIT


Galaxy License
Circle CI

Ansible role to install Terraform on Linux machines.

Install it with ansible-galaxy install migibert.terraform

Role Variables

Here are the role variables and their default values. Default password for user terraform is terraform.

terraform_version: 0.6.11
terraform_dir: /opt/terraform
terraform_user: terraform
terraform_user_password: $6$uoCgixKJL4cFyIT$U7FisaA6GAdosBpGde.4NS00vaAg4tGmR63eBQQMsd8LiHUjetq6HDXG10719JwbNmQUSLzvG6zq8DOVOggIw1

Example Playbook

Including an example of how to use your role (for instance, with variables passed in as parameters) is always nice for users too:

- hosts: all
    - role: migibert.terraform



Author Information

Mikael Gibert, Developer / DevOps.