
Boot sector program for booting Intel's EDK Developer's UEFI Emulation (DUET) from hard disk with LBA.

Primary LanguageAssemblyGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

    Boot sector program for Intel's Developer's UEFI Emulation (DUET)


1. Introduction

Intel has made available a toolkit for helping the development of device
drivers and low level software or firmware which interface with each other
according to the Unified Extensible Firmware Interface specification (UEFI).
This toolkit is known as the EFI Development Kit (EDK).

Among the components of the EDK is the DUET package, the Developer's UEFI
Emulation. This component emulates a UEFI compliant firmware on a PC with an
older BIOS firmware, thus simplifying the development of UEFI compliant
software before UEFI firmware becomes generally available.

Some (most?) parts of this toolkit are open source, and some have been
extended by people outside Intel, and most of this development has been
gravitating around the community web site tianocore, on SourceForge.

Although the tianocore community has been very active adding new components to
the EDK for a few years now, there appears to have been no focus on making it
easier for a wider audience to start experimenting with UEFI and DUET.

As of 2011, the EDK still requires the Windows DDK to compile on Windows and
mingw on Linux, and DUET must be booted from a floppy disk or USB disk, it
cannot be booted from a modern hard drive.

While this is probably acceptable for programmers who earn their day
developing device drivers and such low level software, these aren't the kinds
of tools that application programmers and enthusiasts would want to have
to use just for a sneak preview.
Even more so, as it seems incomprehensible to require the Windows DDK for
building stand-alone binaries which don't depend on Windows NT or the mingw
version of GCC which is intended for compiling Win32 programs, which is also
clearly not the case.

The scope of this project is therefore simply to make it easier for a wider
audience to compile and run DUET.
The first task of this project is to create a new boot program which is able
to load and execute DUET from a hard disk partition.

For now, we build on the work of Keshav P R from India who has made available
a pre-compiled version of DUET on gitorius
and we concentrate on this boot program which is able to load and execute EFILDR.

2. The original boot loader for DUET

The original DUET code from Intel boots in several stages. The first stage is
the sector that lies on the boot sector of the drive. There are two versions
of this stage:
        - Mbr.asm, for MBR-based disks,
        - Gpt.asm, for GPT-based disks.

The function of this stage is simply to load the first sector of the partition
containing the remaining software and execute it.
There appears to be nothing wrong with Gpt.asm, it will work on modern hard
disks. Mbr.asm, however, uses a BIOS int 13h interface which is limited to
the first 1023 cylinders of the disk.

The next stage is the sector that lies on the first sector of the boot
partition. There are three versions of this stage (which we will call
collectively bootsect.asm):
        - bootsect.asm, for FAT12 boot partitions,
        - bs16.asm, for FAT16 boot partitions,
        - bs32.asm, for FAT32 boot partitions.

The function of this stage is to scan the boot partition looking for two
files, one is the DUET loader program, EFILDR (on FAT12, EFILDR16 on FAT16 and
EFILDR20 on FAT32), and the other is a file used for storing settings for the
UEFI emulation, EFIVAR.BIN. This stage loads the first cluster of EFILDR and
then executes it.
All versions of this stage suffer from the 1023 cylinder limitation. bs32.asm
suffers additionally from some design flaws, as it attempts to use elements of
the FAT BPB which are not valid for a FAT32 file system.

The next stage, or two stages, is the first 4096 bytes of EFILDR. Because the
cluster size of the FAT partition may be as small as 512 bytes, only the first
512 bytes of EFILDR are assumed to be loaded. There are six versions of this
stage (which we will call collectively start.asm):
        - start.asm, for FAT12 on IA32,
        - start16.asm, for FAT16 on IA32,
        - start32.asm, for FAT32 on IA32,
        - start64.asm, for FAT12 on X64,
        - st16_64.asm, for FAT16 on X64,
        - st32_64.asm, for FAT32 on X64.

The first 512 bytes of start.asm first loads the entire EFILDR and EFIVAR.BIN
files and only then it passes control to the remainder of start.asm.
The remainder has the function of switching to protected mode and then, in the
case of X64, to long mode.

The final stage of booting establishes interrupt handlers for processor
exceptions and also has two versions:
        - efi32.asm, for IA32,
        - efi64.asm, for X64.

Our first problem is to address the limitations of bootsect.asm and start.asm
(or the first 512 bytes of start.asm) which can't be used on a hard disk.

3. Our own boot program, BootDuet.S

We replace both bootsect.asm and start.asm with our own boot program,
BootDuet.S, which is designed to be installed on the boot sector of a FAT
formatted partition.

We use only Logical Block Addressing (LBA) and therefore this program does not
have the 1023 cylinder limitation.
It is possible to compile BootDuet.S with 64-bit LBA support, which allows it
to be used with disks larger than 2TB.

We managed to squeeze the FAT style chain loading of the entire EFILDR and
EFIVAR.BIN files into this 448 byte (420 for FAT32) program.
Because of that we are able to skip the first 512 bytes of start.asm, and jump
directly into the part which switches to protected mode.

See INSTALL for instruction regarding installation of BootDuet.

                                        Miguel Lopes Santos Ramos, 2011