MongoDB Data Api - NodeJS Client Server

An API NodeJS server designed for people who just want to connect to their Mongodb cluster in an easy and effortless way.




Contributions are always welcome!

See for ways to get started.

Please adhere to this project's code_of_conduct.

Run server

Clone the project

  git clone mongoDBApiServer

Go to the project directory

  cd mongoDBApiServer

Obtain the URL Endpoint and API Key

Add it to the .env file


Install dependencies

  npm install

Option #1: Firebase functions deploy

Install firebase-tools globally

  npm i -g firebase-tools

Login to your Firebase account

  firebase login

Initiate Firebase in the project

  firebase init

and finally deploy your function

  firebase deploy --only functions:<function-name>

Option #2: Run locally

Add the port # to the .env file


Start the server

  npm run start

API Endpoints

  • /api-key-generator - Generates api key for usage
  • /find-one - Fing a single doc
  • /find-all - Find all docs
  • /insert-one - Insert a single doc
  • /insert-many - Insert multiple docs
  • /delete-one - Delete a single doc
  • /delete-many - Delete multiple docs
  • /update-one - Update a single docs
  • /update-many - Update multiple docs
  • /replace-one - Replace a single docs
  • /aggregate - Replace multiple docs

API Reference

Generate API Key

You'll have to generate an API Key from the /api-key-generator endpoint before using the API.

  POST /api-key-generator
Body Param Type Description
database string Required. The name of the database.
collection string Required. The name of the collection.
dataSource string Required. The name of the cluster.
length number Optional. The length of the API Key expiration.
fetch("http://localhost:3000/api-key-generator", {
  method: "POST",
  headers: {
    "Content-Type": "application/json",
  body: {
    collection: "api_keys",
    database: "test_db",
    dataSource: "cluster",
    length: 365 // 365 = 1 yr, 730 = 2 yrs, etc
}).then((res) => {

    "status": "OK",
    "data": {
        "insertedId": "62103b0ecbb4fe74ac924feb",
        "apiKey": "b52aff1af3c58f0cd50b9ae5da66",
        "apiKeyExpiration": "2/19/2024, 12:34:22 AM"
    "statusCode": 200

Find a single item in the collection

  POST /find-one
Body Param Type Description
apiKey string Required. Your API key
database string Required. The name of the database.
collection string Required. The name of the collection.
dataSource string Required. The name of the cluster.
filter object Required. Query for search
projection object Optional. Depending on the projection, the returned document will either omit specific fields or include only specified fields or values
fetch("http://localhost:3000/find-one", {
  method: "POST",
  headers: {
    "Content-Type": "application/json",
  body: {
    collection: "users",
    database: "test_db",
    dataSource: "cluster",
    apiKey: <pre-generated-api-key>,
    filter: {
        name: "Tony"
}).then((res) => {

    status: "OK",
    statusCode: 200,
    document: {
        _id: "347538673463"
        name: "Tony",
        age: 32,
        location: "Miami, FL"

Get all items in the collection

  POST /find-all
Body Param Type Description
apiKey string Required. Your API key
database string Required. The name of the database.
collection string Required. The name of the collection.
dataSource string Required. The name of the cluster.
fetch("http://localhost:3000/find-all", {
  method: "POST",
  headers: {
    "Content-Type": "application/json",
  body: {
    collection: "users",
    database: "test_db",
    dataSource: "cluster",
    apiKey: <pre-generated-api-key>,
}).then((res) => {

    status: "OK",
    statusCode: 200,
    data: {
      documents: [
          _id: "347538673463"
          name: "Tony",
          age: 32,
          location: "Miami, FL"
          _id: "7346572365823",
          name: "Amanda",
          age: "32",
          location: "Hollywood, CA"

Insert one item to a collection

  POST /insert-one
Body Param Type Description
apiKey string Required. Your API key
database string Required. The name of the database.
collection string Required. The name of the collection.
dataSource string Required. The name of the cluster.
document object Required.A document to insert into the collection.
fetch("http://localhost:3000/insert-one", {
  method: "POST",
  headers: {
    "Content-Type": "application/json",
  body: {
    collection: "users",
    database: "test_db",
    dataSource: "cluster",
    apiKey: <pre-generated-api-key>,
    document: {
        name: "Sandy"
        age: 30,.
        location: "Miami, FL"
}).then((res) => {

    status: "OK",
    data: {
        "insertedId": "62118524c854e29de7b1bf7e"
    statusCode: 200

Insert multiple items to a collection

  POST /insert-many
Body Param Type Description
apiKey string Required. Your API key
database string Required. The name of the database.
collection string Required. The name of the collection.
dataSource string Required. The name of the cluster.
documents object[] Required. An array of documents to insert into the collection.
fetch("http://localhost:3000/insert-many", {
  method: "POST",
  headers: {
    "Content-Type": "application/json",
  body: {
    collection: "users",
    database: "test_db",
    dataSource: "cluster",
    apiKey: <pre-generated-api-key>,
    documents: [
	name: "Anthony Romas",
	age: 54
	name: "Remy Romas",
	age: 23
}).then((res) => {

    status: "OK",
    data: {
        insertedIds: [
    statusCode: 200

Update one item in a collection

  POST /update-one
Body Param Type Description
apiKey string Required. Your API key
database string Required. The name of the database.
collection string Required. The name of the collection.
dataSource string Required. The name of the cluster.
filter object Required. A MongoDB Query Filter. This modifies the first document in the collection that matches this filter.
update object Required. A MongoDB Update Expression that specifies how to modify the matched document.
upsert boolean Required. The upsert flag only applies if no documents match the specified filter. If true, the updateOne action inserts a new document that matches the filter with the specified update applied to it.
fetch("http://localhost:3000/update-one", {
  method: "POST",
  headers: {
    "Content-Type": "application/json",
  body: {
    collection: "users",
    database: "test_db",
    dataSource: "cluster",
    apiKey: <pre-generated-api-key>,
    filter: {
        name: "Tony"
    update: {
      name: "Tony Romas",
      age: 99
}).then((res) => {

    status: "OK",
    data: {
        matchedCount: 1,
        modifiedCount: 1
    statusCode: 200

Update multiple items in a collection

  POST /update-many
Body Param Type Description
apiKey string Required. Your API key
database string Required. The name of the database.
collection string Required. The name of the collection.
dataSource string Required. The name of the cluster.
filter object Required. A MongoDB Query Filter. The updateMany action modifies all documents in the collection that match this filter.
update object Required. A MongoDB Update Expression that specifies how to modify matched documents.
upsert boolean Required. The upsert flag only applies if no documents match the specified filter. If true, the updateMany action inserts a new document that matches the filter with the specified update applied to it.
fetch("http://localhost:3000/update-many", {
  method: "POST",
  headers: {
    "Content-Type": "application/json",
    collection: "users",
    database: "test_db",
    dataSource: "cluster",
    apiKey: <pre-generated-api-key>,
    filter: {
      name: "unknown"
    updates: {
      "$set": {
        "name": "ANNONYMOUS",
}).then((res) => {

    status: "OK",
    data: {
        matchedCount: 1,
        modifiedCount: 1
    statusCode: 200

Delete one item in a collection

  POST /delete-one
Body Param Type Description
apiKey string Required. Your API key
database string Required. The name of the database.
collection string Required. The name of the collection.
dataSource string Required. The name of the cluster.
filter object Required.
A MongoDB Query Filter. The deleteOne action deletes the first document in the collection that matches this filter.
fetch("http://localhost:3000/delete-one", {
  method: "POST",
  headers: {
    "Content-Type": "application/json",
  body: {
    collection: "users",
    database: "test_db",
    dataSource: "cluster",
    apiKey: <pre-generated-api-key>,
    filter: {
        name: "Tony"
}).then((res) => {

    "status": "OK",
    "data": {
        "deletedCount": 1
    "statusCode": 200

Delete mnany items in a collection at the same time

  POST /delete-many
Body Param Type Description
apiKey string Required. Your API key
database string Required. The name of the database.
collection string Required. The name of the collection.
dataSource string Required. The name of the cluster.
filter object Required. A MongoDB Query Filter. The deleteMany action deletes all documents in the collection that match this filter.
fetch("http://localhost:3000/delete-many", {
  method: "POST",
  headers: {
    "Content-Type": "application/json",
  body: {
    collection: "users",
    database: "test_db",
    dataSource: "cluster",
    apiKey: <pre-generated-api-key>,
    filter: { 
      status: "complete" 
}).then((res) => {

    "status": "OK",
    "data": {
        "deletedCount": 1
    "statusCode": 200

Replace one item in a collection

  POST /replace-one
Body Param Type Description
apiKey string Required. Your API key
database string Required. The name of the database.
collection string Required. The name of the collection.
dataSource string Required. The name of the cluster.
filter object Required. A MongoDB Query Filter. The replaceOne action overwrites the first document in the collection that matches this filter.
replacement object Required. An EJSON document that overwrites the matched document.
upsert object Required. The upsert flag only applies if no documents match the specified filter. If true, the replaceOne action inserts the replacement document.
fetch("http://localhost:3000/replace-one", {
  method: "POST",
  headers: {
    "Content-Type": "application/json",
  body: {
    collection: "users",
    database: "test_db",
    dataSource: "cluster",
    apiKey: <pre-generated-api-key>,
    filter: {
        name: "Tony"
    repalcement: {
        name: "Tony Montana",
        age: 32
}).then((res) => {

    "status": "OK",
    "data": {
        "matchedCount": 1,
        "modifiedCount": 1
    "statusCode": 200

Aggregate on a collection

  POST /aggregate
Body Param Type Description
apiKey string Required. Your API key
database string Required. The name of the database.
collection string Required. The name of the collection.
dataSource string Required. The name of the cluster.
pipeline object[] Required. A MongoDB Aggregation Pipeline.
fetch("http://localhost:3000/aggregate", {
  method: "POST",
  headers: {
    "Content-Type": "application/json",
  body: {
    collection: "users",
    database: "test_db",
    dataSource: "cluster",
    apiKey: <pre-generated-api-key>,
    pipeline: [
         $match: { age: 32 }
    		$group: { 
    			name: "$name", 
    			"totalQuantity": { 
    				"$sum": "$quantity" 
}).then((res) => {

    "status": "OK",
    "data": {
        "documents": [
                "_id": "Tony Montana",
                "totalQuantity": 0
    "statusCode": 200



For support, email or join our Slack channel.


If you have any feedback, please reach out to us at

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