
StackCrawler is a straightforward web crawler developed as part of a coding exercise for StackBuilder's hiring process.

Primary LanguagePython



StackCrawler is a straightforward web crawler developed as part of a coding exercise for StackBuilder's hiring process. My goal during development was to try to adhere as much as possible to best practices regarding OOP, TDD and DDD.


Install dependencies

This project uses poetry for managing dependencies, so they can be installed running:

$ poetry install

Activate virtual environemnt

$ poetry shell

Run tests

This project uses pytest for testing. Use the following command for running tests:

$ pytest

Green tests

Note: Make sure you're using the right virtual environment before running this command. In poetry you can active the virtualenv using $ poetry shell

What's in here?


A class that represents the data we are going to use from entries, this is our main domain object.

It's a "frozen" dataclass, so we are able to use it as a consistent data container. Additionally, this will help us implement unit tests more easily.

class Entry:
  title: str
  order_number: int
  comments_count: int
  points: int


A specification of the Entry class that represents the data contained in entries from https://news.ycombinator.com/. This class helps us apply the dependency inversion principle, so other funcions depend on the high level Entry class and not in this specification.


A class that encapsulates a set of filtering / ordering methods

class EntryFilter:

    def _filter_by_words_count(
      filter_fn: callable,
      entries: List[Entry],
    ) -> List[Entry] :

    def filter_by_word_count_and_order_by_comments(self, entries: List[Entry], words_count_gt: int = 5, ascending: bool = True) -> List[Entry]:

    def filter_by_word_count_and_order_by_points(self, entries: List[Entry], words_count_le: int = 5, ascending: bool = True) -> List[Entry]:


A generic class that defines an interface for classes that will encapsulate a set of parsing methods.

class Parser:
  def parse_entries_from_HTML(self, url: str, limit: int) -> List[Entry]:


Similar to HackerNewsEntry, this class is a specification of Parser that encapsulates methods for parsing input from the html retrieved from https://news.ycombinator.com/


This is the class in charge of retrieving data and implementing parsing methods through dependency injection. Besides, it holds an EntryFilter object so it can expose it's filterin/ordering functionalities.

class StackCrawler: 
     def __init__(self, parser: Parser, filter: EntryFilter): 
     def fetch_entries_from_HTML(self, url: str, limit: int = 30) -> List[Entry]:


Unit tests for the entire package, using pytest


Just a quick demo :)