
Smartbrain API created with Node.js and Express.js

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


📖 Description

Back-End application for Multiple Face Detection in Smarbrain-App.

🎯 Features

  • REST API created with Node.js and Express.js
  • Clarifai API
  • PostgreSQL Database

💡 Getting Started

Follow the instructions below to get a copy of the project, whether it's for development or testing purposes.

📋 Prerequisites

You'll need Git and Node.js (which comes with npm) installed on your computer

node@v12.13.0 or higher
npm@6.13.1 or higher
git@2.17.1 or higher

💻 Installation

# Clone this repository
$ git clone https://github.com/miguel-osuna/Smartbrain-API

# Go into the repository from the terminal
$ cd Smartbrain-API

# Remove current origin repository
$ git remote remove origin

# Install project dependencies
$ npm install

# Start and watch the project
$ npm start

Generate your Clarifai API Key to chage the project's variables.

Create a .env with te content of .env_sample, replacing your server's url with the value in caps.


🚀 Deployment

Once you are ready to deploy your project, choose your preferred hosting for the API.

Don't forget to replace the .env variables with your hosting environmental variables.

🔧 Built With

🎭 Authors

📒 License

This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details.