
Draw shapes (circle,line,arrow) with one line of code in Unity

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


Draw anti-aliased, GPU-instance-supported, 0 allocation shapes (circle,line,arrow) with one line of code in Unity

Couldn't´t be simpler:

Circle.Draw(new CircleInfo{
				center = transform.position,
				forward = transform.forward,
				radius = 1f,
				fillColor = Color.Red

Lots of customization options

public struct CircleInfo
  public float radius;
  public Vector3 center;
  public Vector3 forward;

  public Color fillColor;

  public bool bordered;
  public Color borderColor;
  public float borderWidth;

  public bool isSector;
  public float sectorInitialAngleInDegrees;
  public float sectorArcLengthInDegrees;
public struct LineInfo
  public Vector3 startPos;
  public Vector3 endPos;
  public Color fillColor;
  public Vector3 forward;
  public float width;

  public bool bordered;
  public Color borderColor;
  public float borderWidth;

  public bool dashed;
  public float distanceBetweenDashes;
  public float dashLength;

  public bool startArrow;
  public bool endArrow;

  public float arrowWidth;
  public float arrowLength;
 public struct PolygonInfo
     public int sides;
     public Vector3 center;
     public float size;

     public Color color;

     public bool bordered;
     public float borderWidth;
     public Color borderColor;

     public Quaternion rotation;

Tested on standalone and WebGL, but should work on mobile as well.