We present a unified library for MQ sensors, this library allows to read MQ signals easily from Arduino, Genuino, ESP8266, ESP-32 boards whose references are MQ2, MQ3, MQ4, MQ5, MQ6, MQ7, MQ8, MQ9, MQ131, MQ135, MQ136, MQ303A, MQ309A.
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possible error in the calculation formula for _RS_Calc = ((_VOLT_RESOLUTION*_RL)/_sensor_volt)-_RL;
#74 opened by berryPiTech - 2
Is RL correct for the 3.3V examples?
#73 opened by bvernham - 2
How to obtain RL
#72 opened by larrywal-express - 4
Probably Incorrect Readings
#69 opened by dirceu-jr - 2
Include coeficient tables to library
#66 opened by Nic30 - 4
#30 opened by Raphael909 - 1
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_type is too small for some sensor names
#68 opened by LloydAlbin - 1
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ESP-32 S2 Mini Compatibility
#62 opened by dani-elnino - 2
"Equation_V_ADC" is wrong
#59 opened by voblaunsane - 1
Why 10k resistor is needed
#58 opened by abattya - 2
PPM of MQ135 at clean air
#55 opened by PsySc0rpi0n - 0
ADC pin cannot be set when creating a MQUnifiedsensor object using the short constructor
#63 opened by adrcunha - 1
Integrate ADS1X15 inputs for sensor reading
#54 opened by AndrasHPataki - 0
retries and retry_interval definitions may conflict with user's sketch definitions
#60 opened by adrcunha - 8
Problems with MQ135
#29 opened by MalteHillmann - 1
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MQ-7 sensor connecting with nodeMcu V3
#52 opened by oymmusyri - 1
#45 opened by Damien3131 - 6
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Example doesn't work on WemosD1mini
#39 opened by quintendewilde - 3
MQUnifiedsensor integration with ESPHome
#41 opened by gsgameiro - 1
setRL() Float type error
#37 opened by pedrorocha014 - 2
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MQ135 example all: CO2 value is not ppm?
#40 opened by loublock - 1
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correction formula for _sensor_volt
#43 opened by GrofuFlorin - 1
MQ9 needs a low/high temperature cycle like MQ7
#44 opened by nfj25 - 1
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MQSensorsLib ADS1115
#50 opened by viotemp1 - 1
Co2 values round 400 whatever I do
#34 opened by KlausHB - 1
Calculations a and b for equation
#32 opened by PhilMncn - 6
MQ131 doubt
#28 opened by atlask1 - 1
Problems importing the header
#36 opened by xevilstar - 1
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1.5V and 5V cycle for sensors like MQ7
#26 opened by amirsalman93 - 2
Calibration Methodology (for MQ7)
#27 opened by amirsalman93 - 2
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Error in MQ4 sensor calibrating
#19 opened by Dimitrah - 5
Incorrect MQ7 sensor readings
#18 opened by YiannisBourkelis - 2
Support digital MQ sensors
#20 opened by filips123 - 2
Support for NodeMCU
#21 opened by filips123 - 4
Support for external A2D convertors
#22 opened by filips123 - 5
only 9999.00 ppm
#23 opened by fatihgvn - 5
incompatibility with wemos D1 mini
#17 opened by Gazz-yniere