- 0
Thermistor table for dummy 999 is wrong
#19 opened by JesConsuegra - 4
All sensors use table for TEMP_SENSOR_0
#14 opened by bondematt - 5
Error compiling for ESP8266
#8 opened by vangalvin - 1
- 1
How to implement?
#18 opened by landlord101 - 2
- 1
Use external adc or input raw value
#6 opened by cuban8IO - 1
Duplicated files
#9 opened by ondrejnovakcvut - 1
control reaches end of non-void function
#10 opened by ondrejnovakcvut - 1
What is sensor 80?
#3 opened by chupocro - 2
Maximum number of sensors?
#4 opened by chupocro - 1
Error compiling basicExample for STM32
#1 opened by AmyTheCute