
A minigame I developed for "Speedhack 2007" (a 48h game jam). The game won an "honorable award" in the best game category and ended up third in the technical category.

Primary LanguageC

The first part of this file contains instructions for YOU,
the Speedhacker, to read. The second part of this file is a template
that you should use with your entry.

This zip file contains a default directory structure that you are
strongly encouraged to use. The Makefile will automatically work if you
follow some simple rules:

* You must give your source files a .c or .cpp extension

* You must place all your source files in the "src" folder

* You must NOT #include "file.c" Only include .h files.

* You should include (non-system) files with: #include "test.h" Do not
    specify the path. If you use MSVC or another IDE, add that path to
    the list of project include paths.

* You should place your include files in the "include" folder

* You should place your IDE project files (eg, MSVC project file) in
    the root folder.

* You should place all your data files in the "media" folder.

* You must write portable code. 

You should also edit the makefile as appropriate:

* Change game (NAME = game) to be the name of your game.

* Add any third party libraries to the linker list via (LIBS = -lfoo)
    Note that there are lines for both static and dynamic linking.

You won't be disqualified if you do this incorrectly, but PLEASE TRY
to follow the above rules. If you need help, ASK! There will be people
around who are willing to help.

If you understand Makefiles, feel free to use your own layout. However,
running 'make' in the root folder should still build the project.

Cut below this line, and include it with your entry. Be sure to replace
any of the default values with proper values. Also, please save the 
file in WINDOWS FORMAT. Text files usually open up by default in
Notepad under Windows, which doesn't understand non-CR/LF endings.

[My Game], SpeedHack 2006
by [Me]

A.cc Name: [] (If different than [Me] from above)

Website: [www.mywebsite.com]

 Tools and Libraries Used

 Compiler/IDE: [Dev-C++/MSVC/Etc]

 Platform: [Windows]

 Language: [C]

 Other libraries used:

   * [library name]: <URL>

 Notes on Compiling

If applicable, include any details you think might help people compile
your project.

 SpeedHack Rules

Include all the rules here and how you implemented them. (Be brief!)

You should also mention which parts of the game were coded during the
3 days, and which parts were re-used. (There's no need to list any code
that came from a library that is listed above.)

 About the Game

A brief description of the game.

 How to Play

A brief description of how to play the game.