Scraping Tools

These are the scripts used for the getting the dataset shown here:

Getting Started


All the prerequisite files are in requirements.txt Also, install selenium webdriver firefox.


  1. Download this repository
  2. Install the requirements via $ pip install -r requirements.txt

Usage is for getting scrape data for individual stocks. is for scraping the entire Benzinga news database.

To use,

  • Put your script in this directory
  • import scrape_benzinga

scrape_benzinga has two functions:

  • get_benzinga_data
  • get_benzinga_data_with_lookback

get_benzinga_data_with_lookback takes 1 argument: stock It returns all analyst ratings, not partner headlines because analyst ratings are the only type of article that can be scraped for their exact dates. I might add partner headline support in the future. get_benzinga_data takes 2 arguments: stock, days_to_lookback This gets the entire history of stock news for the designated stock whose release dates are within the days_to_lookback range: e.g. 7 day lookback returns all articles published earlier than 7 days ago. This function returns both analyst_ratings and partner_headlines

To use, simply call the script via python and follow the prompts shown on the command line.