
Bubble sort coded with just the elements of the turing machine

Primary LanguageC++


Bubble sort coded with just the elements of the turing machine.

As you know, a turing machine consists of a tape and a header. Being the tape infinite, we consider the tape's working area's limits with two variables: lbound and rbound, aditionally to the actual header variable which tells us where it is located.

On the tape are written symbols. In this case, we consider the following ones:

  • from 0 to 9
  • X as an indicator
  • A blank symbol that works as an auxiliar (we will se why we use it)

Its basic movents are:

  • Left: moves the header to the left n number of times
  • Right: moves the header to the right n number of times
  • Left to: moves the header to the left until it reaches K
  • Right to: moves the header to the right untill in reaches K
  • Sigma: it takes a given symbol and writes or overwrites it on the actual position of the header

Aditionally we consider two more modules:

  • Print: it prints the whole tape
  • Read: it reads the symbol positioned

This is how the turing machine was coded. If we want it to sort any given list of numbers, we should implement the bubble sort algorithm, at least for this case.

Therefore, this functions were implemented in the bubble files:

  • init: initialize the tape, moving the header to the first number
  • compare: determines if a number is greather or not that its right neighbour
  • swap: exchanges two numbers
  • lap: verifies if there are stil numbers to be order



The class bubble inherits all the attributes and functions of its parent class turing. Both explaned previously.