adidas nodeJS Coding Challenge

This repo provides a solution in nodeJS for an architecture with two microservices:

  • Reviews, that implements CRUD operations for products reviews
  • Products, that exposes a GET endpoint for getting aggregated information from adidas API (https://www.adidas./api/products/) and the reviews microservice

What we expect from you

  • Review the sourcecode and improve it. It has A LOT of parts where it can be improved.
  • Don't forget to (over)comment those parts with the reason of your refactor.
  • Much better if you use this skeleton as first commit and you add your improvements in different commits in your git repository.
  • Use English as coding and documentation language
  • Upload your solution to any private GIT repo (GitHub or Bitbucket for instance) and share with us the link

Some ideas of improvement:


  • Clean code: This code should be shared in a team, so coding standards and clean code would be appreaciated.
  • Dependency injection: any approach for dependency injection can be high considered if useful
  • Typescript or latest EcmaScript code it's always OK :)

### Architecture and performance

  • Persistence and availability: which is the best database to use? should we think in having everything on cloud?
  • Performance: Imagine these microservices are going to be called by millions of users, so performance and stability is a mandatory requirement
  • Security: credendials, editions, communication, etc. should be secure.
  • Resilence: 3rd parties can fail. This system has to be available even when they are failing.

### Other

  • Testing: Write some tests, unit tests, integration tests, e2e tests. Every testing improvement is welcomed.
  • Deployment: Imagine this code is going to increase a lot, so you should deploy in production only what is indeed needed. Any CICD pipeline proposal will be appreciated too.
  • Documentation: if you document your API in a standard way, other developers would can integrate with your API in an easy way.
  • Logging: logs should be the best approach for finding issues in production. They should be done in a right way.