Author: Miguel B. Almeida Email: This is a simple Python wrapper for ROUGE. ROUGE is a Perl script for evaluation of summaries. You can obtain it from INSTALLATION: 1) Download ROUGE from 2) Create a folder somewhere, say /home/you/PythonROUGE 3) Place the "RELEASE-1.5.5" folder you got from ROUGE inside that folder, i.e. /home/you/PythonROUGE/RELEASE-1.5.5 4) Place this package in parallel to the above, i.e. /home/you/PythonROUGE/ and /home/you/PythonROUGE/Example 5) Edit the "" file and replace the lines starting with "ROUGE_path =" and "data_path =" with the appropriate paths TESTING: 1) Run in a terminal the command "python" 2) You should get as output: recall = 0.3 precision = 0.6 F = 0.4 USAGE: See the file "".
This is a simple Python wrapper to run the ROUGE package for evaluation of automatic summaries.