
A personal blog used to share some interesting ideas, powered by 11ty static site generator

Primary LanguageCSS


A personal blog used to share some interesting ideas, powered by 11ty static site generator


There are some scripts defined in package.json file

Start a web server for dev

$ npm start

This command is the same as executing

$ npx @11ty/eleventy --serve

Build the site

$ npm run build

This command is the same as executing

$ npx @11ty/eleventy

Deploy to GitHub pages

$ npm run deploy

This command is the same as executing

$ gh-pages -d public

It uses the gh-pages package, and publish all the content inside ./public/ directory to gh-pages branch

Important: you may want to execute

$ npm run build

first, in order to generate the site inside ./public directory before publishing into gh-pages branch

if you use a custom domain, set the domain in src/CNAME file, adding the following line


on .eleventy.js file


Site configuration variables are on src/_data/site.js file