ARSW Project 2015-II. This project uses a Web Service REST and STOMP to create a multiplayer network game. Pictureka is a visual and agility, you need to be the fastest to win.


Find it fast! Find it first! Pictureka is the exciting game of visual hide & seek. Collect the most mission cards to win! Place the 9 game board tiles on the table in a 3 x 3 grid. Players than take turns rolling the dice, selecting a mission card and trying to find objects fast or first. Three different card decks keep the game exciting -- players either have to find a matching image or objects that fall into a category like "things that can fly". And watch out, the gameboard can change on any turn -- special mission cards instruct players to turn over, rotate or switch one of the 9 gameboard tiles. In this game its finders keepers: you get the card if you find the object fast or first. Collect enough cards to win, and you're the Pictureka champ! (from http://www.hasbro.com/en-us/product/pictureka:93A194DB-6D40-1014-8BF0-9EFBF894F9D4)

That was the description for the original game. Our idea is quite simplier. There is a 10 x 10 grid game board, and the players should find all the 5 cards showed on the top of the game board asap. The one who find most of the cards wins. Ones a player get a card, that will be hidden from the top of all players in the same game. Players can join a game with the Game ID showed on the screen of the creator.

There is a single player option too. Players can play by themselves and have fun, with the same logic explained above.


Cesar Alexander Bonilla

Miguel Angel Romero

Escuela Colombiana de Ingeniería Julio Garavito

Bogotá, Colombia