UFSC - Sistemas de Informação. Python backend developer.
VIP Promotora de CréditoFlorianópolis, SC
Pinned Repositories
Python, Local. MVC Model. Car rental management system with all exceptions handled. Uses PySimpleGUI for the interface and runs in a separate window. Object-Oriented Systems Development. Project later added to GitHub.
Implementation of an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) for supervised learning tasks using Python and Jupyter Notebook. Includes sample datasets and it`s is designed to explore various machine learning techniques, including regression, binary classification, and multiclass classification.
HTML, CSS, TypeScipt, React.JS, Next.JS. Site para calcular o duodígito de um número. Com tempo de processamento de cada operação em milisegundos e histórico das operações. Feito sem seguir um template.
A Python microservice built with FastAPI and Pydantic models to power the Social Sweat App. It manages event data, user authentication, and business logic. Includes typed, Tox tests and a CI setup.
Python, local. Neutron board game (similar to checkers), with a full UML2 diagram and local 2-player mode. INE5608
HTML, CSS, TypeScript, React.JS, Next.JS. Site. Use the Pomodoro Technique to become more productive! With experience, levels, and challenges saved in cache. Part of NLW#4.
HTML, CSS, JavaScript. Site. Um Hub onde jogadores se encontram para jogar juntos. Com mais de 7 layouts de páginas distintos, responsivo para mobile ou desktop. Programação para Web
A cross-platform React Native application for iOS and Android that connects users for group physical activities. Features multilingual support, user profiles, and event creation/joining. Authentication is managed through Clerk, and the app requires the Microservice Social Sweat backend for data management and secure interactions.
Python project to simulate OAuth protocol communication between a server and client, featuring encryption and OTP.
miguelgrieder's Repositories
Python, Local. MVC Model. Car rental management system with all exceptions handled. Uses PySimpleGUI for the interface and runs in a separate window. Object-Oriented Systems Development. Project later added to GitHub.
HTML, CSS, TypeScipt, React.JS, Next.JS. Site para calcular o duodígito de um número. Com tempo de processamento de cada operação em milisegundos e histórico das operações. Feito sem seguir um template.
Python, local. Neutron board game (similar to checkers), with a full UML2 diagram and local 2-player mode. INE5608
HTML, CSS, TypeScript, React.JS, Next.JS. Site. Use the Pomodoro Technique to become more productive! With experience, levels, and challenges saved in cache. Part of NLW#4.
HTML, CSS, JavaScript. Site. Um Hub onde jogadores se encontram para jogar juntos. Com mais de 7 layouts de páginas distintos, responsivo para mobile ou desktop. Programação para Web
Python project to simulate OAuth protocol communication between a server and client, featuring encryption and OTP.
Python, Selenium. Bot para realizar o login ou cadastro no website de teste
Implementation of an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) for supervised learning tasks using Python and Jupyter Notebook. Includes sample datasets and it`s is designed to explore various machine learning techniques, including regression, binary classification, and multiclass classification.
Python. Terminal. Estrutura de Dados - Arvore AVL - Base: https://www.programiz.com/dsa/avl-tree
React Native, mobile. App de guia turístico de Florianópolis. Desenvolvimento de Sistemas Móveis e Embarcados
A Python microservice built with FastAPI and Pydantic models to power the Social Sweat App. It manages event data, user authentication, and business logic. Includes typed, Tox tests and a CI setup.
A cross-platform React Native application for iOS and Android that connects users for group physical activities. Features multilingual support, user profiles, and event creation/joining. Authentication is managed through Clerk, and the app requires the Microservice Social Sweat backend for data management and secure interactions.
Lexical and Synthetic Analyzer in Python PLY
Python - Selenium. Cookie clicker bot.
Python. Terminal. Lista Duplamente Encadeada com cursor e referência de Início/Fim. Foi utilizado arquivos de uma base já existente, sendo modificado algumas coisas e adicionado a referência início e fim de lista. Estrutura de Dados.
GitHub profile readme
AirBnB clone tutorial done in React Native, Expo and some libs
Python, DjangoRestFramework. Sistema de gerência de alarme de imóvel.
Projeto de monitoramento de temperatura com API, App Mobile e Arduino
Stocks Tracker APP integrating with twelvedata API trought a Stepzen GraphQL web service
C, pthreads, OpenMP. Contador de palavras específicas em um texto.