/** \mainpage @brief G4QSim --- Geant4 Quick Simulation \verbatim G4QSim stands for ``Geant4 Quick Simulation''. It accepts text files (gdml and text) for geometry description, and .mac files for gun, source (/gps/) and run control. The basic idea is not to modify the source code while being able to simulate small setups as much and as quickly as possible. By setting `/G4QSim/event/storeTrajectory true', the program reuses the same ROOT file structure but saves trajectory information into the data file. See `AnalysisMessenger' for details. Haven't figured out ``TrackingAction'' from ``rdecay'' example yet, so it is practically disabled (causes crash if enabled). He6 and Sr90 decays seem to work without it. ################################################################################ See macro/dbdXe136.mac and geometry/Xe136HPG.gdml for an example to generate Xe-136 double-beta decay events: ./G4QSim -g ../geometry/Xe136HPG.gdml -u 1 -m ../macro/dbdXe136.mac \endverbatim */