
WP-CLI package that bundles the framework with a set of common commands

Primary LanguageGherkinMIT LicenseMIT

WP-CLI Bundle

Bundle WP-CLI into a phar.

This version was forked to keep it compatible with Windows for things like wp shell

Forked with the following customizations:

  1. Support wp shell on Windows.
  2. Pass a custom output directory for the bundled wp-cli.phar file.
  3. Pass a custom version to the bundled wp-cli.phar file.
  4. Support wp rest commands from wp-restful.

Downloading wp-cli.phar

You may download that latest wp-cli.phar here or previous versions from the Releases section.

Building a wp-cli.phar

  1. Clone or download this repo.
  2. Run composer install from the root directory.
  3. Run the following command while specifying an output directory.
bash ./utils/update-phar <output directory> <version>


bash ./utils/update-phar E:/scripts/wordpress 2.5.0-windows

Running from source

  1. Run composer install from the root directory.
  2. Run the executables found in vendor/wp-cli/wp-cli/bin from the WordPress site root. E.G. E:/SVN/wp-cli-bundle/vendor/wp-cli/wp-cli/bin/wp option get siteurl