Pinned Repositories
This is a bot for spam on whatsapp 🤣🤣🤣
👉 is a project created to use the API of the incredible Brasil API project, where the endpoint used was from Regristo BR, so in this application you can check if the searched domain is available and access the page to buy it. In addition, the application gives suggestions for other domains if the searched one is already in use. There is also great error handling so that there is no performance wear making unnecessary requests.
📚 É um pacote para JavaScript e Node.js com funções matemáticas prontas, pacote direcionado aos Devs brasileiros. Para instalar entre no link e veja o comando de instalação:
🕹 It's a very simple project made just to run random League of Legends champions, so you can have fun with friends by running the champions to play
📚 It's a Lecturer to you use when you will read some text
Hello, this is a test project for a Junior-level ReactJS front-end position, this project makes the request and listing of characters from UMC (Universe Marvel Comics), in addition showing about the selected character his description and participation in comic books. Within 6 days to develop this project, I had to study several contents, even so I managed to finish on time, it was a great pleasure to use this API, link in the references.
🙌 This is my Bio
⚡ Projeto criado para aperfeiçoamento em Next.JS e para criar um sitemap dinâmico, utilizando a API de animes Animechan e a biblioteca next-sitemap.
👾 Almost like a daughter, it's a general purpose bot, called Yui I'm developing for discord with discord.js library, the name is inspired by the character Yui from the anime Sword Art Online, which at first is an A.I.
miguelitodev's Repositories
🙌 This is my Bio
⚡ Projeto criado para aperfeiçoamento em Next.JS e para criar um sitemap dinâmico, utilizando a API de animes Animechan e a biblioteca next-sitemap.
Este projeto tem o objetivo de desenvolver uma agenda em Ionic usando o SQLite, onde você poderá cadastrar eventos ou algo assim e guardá-los
This is a blog made on Vercel's NextJS tutorial
Esse é um projeto de uma telinha básica em React Native, feito para estudo da ferramenta
Discover the charm of the slightly blurred glass effect using HTML and CSS! 😎✨
🙌 This project was made for study about Infinite Scroll, getting data from Github API
Participe do NLW, evento de programação da Rocketseat. Desafie-se em 7 trilhas de tecnologia, ganhe certificado e prêmios. Acesso a 3 aulas inéditas e comunidade exclusiva. Alcance seu próximo nível em 3 aulas.
👌 É um projeto feito para guiar a construção de um workshop sobre frontend na minha empresa. De mesmo modo também foi desenvolvido em vídeo, o mesmo o link se encontra na descrição.
🙌 Testing the free government LIBRAS plugin VLibras
👉 is a project created to use the API of the incredible Brasil API project, where the endpoint used was from Regristo BR, so in this application you can check if the searched domain is available and access the page to buy it. In addition, the application gives suggestions for other domains if the searched one is already in use. There is also great error handling so that there is no performance wear making unnecessary requests.
🕹 It's a very simple project made just to run random League of Legends champions, so you can have fun with friends by running the champions to play
This project is to I test screen reader and another ways for improve the acessibility
🌱Ecoleta | Esse é a parte do BackEnd da aplicação do primeiro NLW ou como muitos conhecem Next Level Week da Rocketseat, onde será usado esse back-end para as aplicações ReactJS e React Native
🌱Ecoleta | Esse é a parte do Mobile da aplicação do primeiro NLW ou como muitos conhecem Next Level Week da Rocketseat, foi feito com React Native e será usado o BackEnd feito em NodeJS da aula passada para visualização dos postos de coleta que foram cadastrados a partir do sistema web feito com ReactJS.
📝 Repositório para treinamento de formulários em etapas utilizando React com react-hook-form, estilizados com Tailwind CSS e componentes UI com Radix UI, configurados com Vite.js e TypeScript. 🚀✨
The refs in React are used to imperatively access native elements, being able to directly access their properties or calling functions present in these elements natively.
👉 It's a very simple project to learn the fundamentals of GraphQL in React, so in this project a backend and a frontend were made, where there was data registration and request, I did it by following a rocketseat video
Just JavaScript course
Learn You The Node.js For Much Win! An intro to Node.js via a set of self-guided workshops.
My website
👉 These are my solutions to the "learn you node" challenges
🚀 Course repository for building fullstack React apps with NextJS 15 ⚛️💻, covering App Router 📑, Pages Router 📄, SSR 🌐, data fetching 🔄, authentication 🔐, and more! 🎉
Segundo Ignite Lab da Rocketseat
🪐 Space Exploration Technologies Corp., whose trade name is SpaceX, is an American company for aerospace systems and space transport services based in Hawthorne, California.
🚀 Projeto GitHub para treinar TailwindCSS, inspirado na Rocketseat! Deixe sua aplicação incrível e escalável! 💻✨
> Little project done during rocketseat class on webcomponents